3 Ways to Get Large Muscles

So you are skinny and want to get some large muscles? I bet all you thought you had to do is join a gym, do some stuff with free weights, drink some protein shakes and eat like a pig.

Muscle Drink

And after you do all these things... you will automatically become big enough to enter a body building contest.

Muscle Drink



It isn't that easy, otherwise everyone would look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. But there is hope for you yet... I have 3 EXACT things you can do to get huge muscles fast.

one) Do the squats and dead lifts because these 2 exercises works out about seventy five percent of your muscle mass. That would include your trapezoids, shoulders, arms, back, legs, and butt.

And doing these two exercises will force your body to release more natural growth hormones which will facilitate large muscles.

two) Do the compound workouts only... don't waste your time and energy with the isolation exercises. I would stay with the basic exercises that you have to use groups of muscles to perform. That would be the squats, leg presses, dead lifts, bench presses, pull ups, chin ups, dumbbell rows, military presses and dips.

three) When you rest -- really rest! I'm serious here. When you allow your body enough time to recover and repair itself... you actually make your muscles stronger which reallys in heavier weights in the next workouts. And the more you lift, the more you force your muscles to to respond by getting bigger.

Good luck future hard gainer!

3 Ways to Get Large Muscles
Muscle Drink

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